How to do magic

this website is to teach you how to do some simple tricks

this is Made with Glitch!

slite of hand

In this sechine I will teach you some slite of hand.

this is called a pinke beak

1. sekritly put your pinke over the card you whant to ceep like this.

now if you whant to get it on the the top than take heaf of the top and put it down than take the botom of the beak and put it on top of the other oun then put the last oun down the card should be on top
now that you can do that i'm going to teach you about spechle decks.
a spechle deck like the svengali deck alows you to do inposible tricks
here is a pictur of the deck click here to lern how to use the svengali deck

click to see the people who made this